Roger Love, Voice Coach to John Mayer, Tony Robbins, Bradley Cooper, Marie Forleo and more on How to Improve Your Message, Presentation Skills and influence

Jim Rohn International Founder, Kyle Wilson has an in-depth conversation with friend and Voice Coach to the Stars, Roger Love

You will learn powerful tools on how to:

– Share your message in a more impactful way

– Have more influence

– Be a better presenter

– Talk and sing better

– Strengthen and preserve you voice

and much more

Roger has worked with a who’s who of speakers, singers and actors including John Mayer, Gwen Stefani, Selena Gomez, Joe Elliott and my friend Phil Collen of Def Leppard , Phillip Bailey of Earth Wind and Fire, Barbara Streisand, Stevie Wonder and more!


Roger has helped actors prepare to sing in their film roles including 3 academy award winners, Colin Ferrel, Reese Witherspoon, and Jeff Bridges, plus worked with Bradley Cooper in a Star is Born, Joaquin Phoenix, and many others.

Roger also works with some of the biggest speakers in the world, Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, John Gray, Marie Forleo and Brenda Bouchard.

Roger and I jump right in on how you can have more success with the power of the spoken word.

Be ready to take lots of notes!


If you want to take a deeper dive with Roger he has put together an incredible package for less than $100 that gives you access to multiple programs he offers. Go to and enter in the code KYLE (in all caps) to get the special pricing. I’m a student of Rogers and he is over a $1000 an hour so  I really appreciate him making this amazing offer for only $97. Go to and enter in the code KYLE (in all caps) to get the special pricing


Get a copy of the Success Habits of Super Achievers book featuring Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Brian Tracy Denis Waitley, Phil Collen, John Assaraf and over 80 iconic thought leaders.  Go to


Receive FREE Kyle Wilson’s 52 Lessons I Learned From Jim Rohn and Other Legends I Promoted

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What Others are Saying About Kyle

“Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Love and Respect!” Jim Rohn, Iconic Philosopher & Speaker

“I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine

“Kyle Wilson is brilliant and so very knowledgeable and an icon in this industry. He was the power behind Jim Rohn. Kyle is my longtime friend and someone I have a great deal of respect for.” Les Brown, Iconic Speaker and Author

 “I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy, Int Speaker & Author

“Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.” Robin Sharma, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

“I’ve known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and someone I have great admiration and respect for!” Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp


“Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. What I mean by that is, there are lots of guys who will put out business plans and do all kinds of nonsense and swing for home runs. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable.” Eric Worre, Author of Go Pro

Subscribe, Rate & Review (plus bonuses)

Please subscribe to the Success Habits Podcast and leave an honest rating & review. This will encourage other people to listen and allow us to grow as a community. The bigger we get as a community, the bigger the impact we can have on the world.

To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast visit (see details on some really cool bonuses)

Check out previous episodes with:

– Phil Collen, Lead Guitarist of Def Leppard

– Amy Novotny, Overcoming Chronic Pain

– Brian Tracy – Speaker, Trainer and Author

– Les Brown, Iconic Speaker and Author

– Seth Mosley, 3x Grammy Winner and 29 #1 Songs

– Todd Stottlemyre, Entrepreneur, Speaker and 15 Year MLB Player

 Darren Hardy, Former Publisher of Success Magazine

 Denis Waitley, Iconic Speaker and Author

 John Assaraf, New York Times Best Selling Author

 Lisa Haisha – Host of Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha

– Newy Scruggs, 7x Emmy Winning Sportscaster

– Robert Helms, Co-Host of The Real Estate Guys podcast

– Ron White, 2x US memory champion

– Kyle Wilson, 7 Marketing Strategies to Build Your Brand and Business

What Others are Saying About Kyle

“Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Love and Respect!” Jim Rohn, Iconic Philosopher & Speaker

“I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine

“Kyle Wilson is brilliant and so very knowledgeable and an icon in this industry. He was the power behind Jim Rohn. Kyle is my longtime friend and someone I have a great deal of respect for.” Les Brown, Iconic Speaker and Author

 “I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy, Int Speaker & Author

“Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.” Robin Sharma, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

“I’ve known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and someone I have great admiration and respect for!” Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp

“Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. What I mean by that is, there are lots of guys who will put out business plans and do all kinds of nonsense and swing for home runs. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable.” Eric Worre, Author of Go P




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