7 Simple but Powerful Marketing Ideas (MUST READ)

This past weekend I shared at three different events lessons I learned from my mentor, Jim Rohn, plus some core marketing concepts that I strongly believe in. The same principles I built Jim Rohn international and Your Success Store on. Also that I’ve consulted and coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and companies like Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma, Todd Stottlemyre, The Real Estate Guys and multiple companies and brands.

I would like to narrow it down to 7 simple but powerful marketing ideas.

#1, Marketing is about connecting the dots! It’s not being manipulative, it’s not trying to be clever, it’s simply finding the most efficient and effective way to connect your products and services with an audience. Factors include the marketplace, the competition and your secret sauce. What makes you special? What makes you unique? And finding the best way to connect your products and services with the right audience.

#2 Marketing is about principles more than tactics. I’m a tactic guy. I built a million plus list, sold millions of books, filled up huge rooms. Yes I use tactics. But principles will always override tactics. Principles are having a good product, having great service, and being consistent. And here’s a huge one, caring about people and putting relationships first. Don’t churn through people and treat your audience like a commodity. Treat your customers, prospects and audience with a relationship mindset. Think long term, bring value. Don’t let a tactic (no matter how sexy, new and big it may seem or be) override important, core principles.

#3 Marketing is about being strategic. I always say everything works, putting business cards on windshields works, it just doesn’t work that well. You got to find the most strategic thing that will help you knock down the most dominoes. Maybe it’s doing an event, starting a podcast, building an email list, or creating a specific product. Maybe it’s going back to your current customers and really loving on them and earning referrals. Whatever it is, find the most strategic thing first that will knock down the most dominoes. Be strategic.

#4 Marketing is about building an audience. Whoever has the biggest audience will typically win. I’ve met speakers who speak a hundred times a year, yet never built a list or audience. Best selling authors who never built a list or audience. Same for doctors, real estate syndicators etc. And Ive met speakers, authors, professional, etc who understand the value and power of building a list they nurture and talk to.

This is where the wheel and spokes concept came to me in 1993 when I launched Jim Rohn international. Jim had a handful of products and services (and no list) and I thought how do I get people once they experience one product to go around the wheel to the other products (each spoke on the wheel represented a product or service). And the bigger question was how do I get more people ON the wheel (customer acquisition).

That took me on a search and how I got the idea to do the quote booklet of Jim’s that I moved six million of. Way before Google or Jim Rohn had any published quotes this was a concept I knew that would be a viral marketing tool that my advocates would take the booklet and buy and give away and in the process tell the Jim Rohn story and Jim’s impact on their lives. I also did it with another product called Building Your Network Marketing Business that we sold millions of.

#5 Talk to your audience. People sometimes collect hundreds if not thousands of business cards but often times they never talk to this potential audience. They start every day hunting. If you’re doing one on one communication and you don’t have a way to talk to your audience as a group, you’re always hunting.

But when you organize a way to talk to your audience by group now you’re fishing. It doesn’t matter who says yes, just give your audience opportunities to say yes to the things that matter to them. Give them great content, give them great information, invite them to cool stuff, be a utility to your customers and prospects, let them know what’s going on. Give them great opportunities and occasionally, yes you can promote a product or service you have, especially when its timely.

Maybe its a Doctor sending a reminder its flu season and to get a shot or its almost the start of school and to get your physical if your kids are in sports.

One company I coach handles over a billion dollars of self directed IRA money. This is a great time for them to send reminders that you can still direct money into your IRA for 2017 (up till April 15).

When you talk to your audience, who says yes is not important. Let those who are ready and want what you are offering say yes. That’s the cool part about fishing verses hunting.

#6 Love on your advocates and give them tools to promote you. All successful people, all successful businesses, all successful brands create advocates and have people that refer them. That’s part of the process of giving great service to the marketplace and creating great experiences and products. But its important to make it easy for your advocates to refer you. That’s why I created the Jim Rohn Quote booklets. I also did them for Zig Ziglar, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Dennis Waitley and more. They were tools for my advocates to go pass out. I created multiple products like that to be a tool. I’ve more recently done that with books like Passionistas, Mom and DadPreneurs, Little Black Book of Fitness and Life Defining Moments (which comes out next week). All these are a great way, for just a few dollars, to give your advocates something of value they can also pass along to people. There’s all kinds of other things you can do in your business to make sure you’re giving your advocates something to go promote you with.

#7 Start with your core. I mentioned the wheel and each spoke is a product or service. Most people ask what new products and service should I add next? I always say, number one, begin with the product or service that is part of your core business. Second, make sure it has your secret sauce (what makes you and your service unique and special). Three, make sure it will knock down other dominoes. Always think core business, secret sauce and what will get the greatest result to get more people on and around your wheel.

Bonus #8 We learn by doing. Don’t go spend a fortune taking classes to try and learn all this in one huge move, simply just get started. If you have a stack of business cards go put them in a customer and prospect list. I recommend Aweber. If you have a list (or after you create one) then start talking to your list and segment your list. There are lots of simple things you can do to just get the ball rolling. Once you have a list to talk to, it forces you now to come up with good and relevant things to share. Which then helps you come up with the timely offer, the social media content, the blog ideas. It helps you be a utility to your people. You’re going to learn by doing. You’re going to learn to pivot by the responses and feedback! But until you get started you’re not going to know what you don’t know.

I think building and communicating with your audience is so critical and so important to the heartbeat of your business, I recommend in the beginning that you don’t delegate or relegate this away. Your voice, leadership and influence to your tribe (customers, prospects and team) is one of the highest value task you have.

Hope this helps!

If you aren’t receiving my 52 Lessons From Jim Rohn and Other Legends I Promoted you can receive for free a lesson every week Click Here

Also if interested in the Kyle Wilson Inner Circle Masterminds, 1-1 consulting, bringing me in to speak at your company or being a part of a new book Im doing called Purpose, Passion and Profit reply to this email and let me know what your interest is and we can set up a call.

Here is to 2018 being your best year ever! Kyle

Kyle Wilson, Founder LessonsFromNetwork.com, Jim Rohn International (JimRohn.com), YourSuccessStore.com and KyleWilson.com

Want one on one coaching? Whether you are an entrepreneur, speaker, author, investor I can help. Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy and many others think so as well (see below). Click Here for more details

“Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Love and Respect!” Jim Rohn, Iconic Philosopher & Speaker

“I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine

“I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy, Int Speaker & Author

“Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.” Robin Sharma, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

“I’ve known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and some one I have great admiration and respect for!” Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp

“Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. What I mean by that is, there are lots of guys who will put out business plans and do all kinds of nonsense and swing for home runs. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable.” Eric Worre, Author of Go Pro

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"I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had, Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years."
Darren Hardy
Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine
"Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship all these years. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Much Love & Respect"
Jim Rohn
(1930-2009), Internationally
Renowned Speaker and Author
"Kyle Wilson is brilliant and very knowledgeable and an icon in this industry. He was the power behind Jim Rohn. Kyle is my longtime friend and someone I have a great deal of respect for."
Les Brown
Iconic Speaker and Author
"Kyle you were a master to work with when filming and producing at my house. Also, Helen and I have toured and done so many 'meet and greets' and have had all kinds of cool activities and opportunities on the road, but last year at your house at the Inner Circle Mastermind ranks at the top as one of the all time best experiences we have ever had on the road. At your house the people and the love was so amazing. We are use to doing all the giving, but that day we felt loved and cared for. It was just an amazing experience! We still talk about it to this day. It is at the top of our tour memories from over all these years!"
Phil Collen
Lead Guitarist, Def Leppard
"Thank you Kyle Wilson for being such a magnificent leader and creating a powerful, humanitarian thinking group of leaders. You’re such an amazing human being. Always inspired by who you are!"
Lisa Haisha
Host Amazon Show, Producer,
"I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.
Brian Tracy
Professional Speaker,
Best-Selling Author,
CEO of Brian Tracy
"If wanting to break into the speaker, author, marketing world, no one knows and does it better than my 10 year friend, Kyle Wilson. He is responsible for millions of people having access to the brilliant wisdom of Jim Rohn and so many other business thought leaders. He attracts the best people to his Inner Circle, something I'm proud to be a part of. I’m also excited to be working on a new book with Kyle, Lessons From Sports. Honored by his friendship."
Newy Scruggs
7x Emmy Winning Broadcaster,
NBC Sports Dallas/Ft Worth
"Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable."
Eric Worre
Founder of Network Marketing
Pro and International Best-Selling
Author of Go Pro
"Kyle Wilson, single handedly changed the way I look at life! And the way I participate in my own! Kyle's wisdom, loyalty and commitment to seeing people soar is unmatched in the industry. He is a spring board, sounding board and ultimately a launch pad for anyone committed to pursuing their deepest dreams and ultimate goals! He is the most authentic mentor, friend and business parter I've ever had. I'm so thankful I ended up in your sphere 'KW,' Kyle Wilson.”
Erika De La Cruz
TV & Media Host, Speaker,
Trainer and Author of Passionistas
"Kyle Wilson is the man! When I made the decision to transition from my 15 year MLB career to being a speaker, best-selling author and business consultant I researched and then sought out the man who has been behind such iconic speakers as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and many others. Hiring Kyle as my coach has been one of the smartest decisions I made.
Todd Stottlemyre
Author of Relentless Success,
15 Year MLB Pitcher
and 3x World Champion
"Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.
Robin Sharma
Author of The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari
"Kyle can I thank you for something and congratulate you in the same breath? I've done easily 500 interviews in my life. This has been my favorite one. One that went on and allowed that deeper dive because that's one of the things that time limits can rob us of. And I thank you for that because it's been very healthy and very cathartic. And you kind of brought me back in touch with how ready I am to get back on stages. I'm ready."
Glenn Morshower
Actor in Over 250 Movies and Shows
"Kyle is one of the wisest and most brilliant marketing consultants in the world. He is the man behind the great marketing of Jim Rohn International and so many other personal development legends. He is not only someone I’ve enjoyed collaborating and working with for over two decades, but is also a close and valued friend. I recommend Kyle without equivocation."
Mark Victor Hansen
Co-Creator of World’s
Best-Selling Book Series
Chicken Soup for the Soul
“Kyle Wilson is a masterful marketer and there is a good reason why top investors, entertainers, sports figures, leaders in personal development and entrepreneurs call on him as a coach, mentor, business partner and friend. Kyle knows what works in business and most importantly relationships and always over delivers. As an Inner Circle Mastermind member for over 2 years, it’s been the very best thing I could have done to level up my circle of influence, surround myself with success and have the platform to launch a best-selling book, be invited to speak, partner, invest and take my brand to the next level. I highly recommend you invest whatever is necessary to be a member of the Inner Circle or hire Kyle as your coach.
Kelli Calabrese
Wellness Mompreneur,
#1 Best-Selling Author
Mom & Dadpreneur
“Kyle Wilson is the best marketer I know. In the 20 years that I have known him, everything he touches and every idea he generates, turns into money. If you’re looking for a degree of fame, and a higher degree of wealth, I recommend you get YOUR ass to Kyle as fast as you can.”
Jeffrey Gitomer
Best-Selling Author The Little Red Book of Selling
"I've known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and someone I have great admiration and respect for!"
Tom Ziglar
President of Zig Ziglar Corp
"Kyle's Inner Circle Masterminds have been some of the most enlightening events I've been a part of. I've met so many incredible people outside the world I live and work in. It is the pinnacle of places you can go to upgrade your network. Plus, Kyle's coaching has helped me create and additional six figure side income that allows me to impact more people."
Seth Mosley
2x Grammy Winner,
Billboard #1 Producer and
Song Writer of the Year
"When I met Kyle Wilson I had been speaking professionally for 12 years and my biggest ‘achievement’ was $60,000 in debt to the IRS, a truck I prayed every day would start, and a simple 6 CD memory training set. Kyle coached me to market that CD set and in less than 12 months my IRS debt was gone and I was speaking in Australia, Bangkok, Belgium, Singapore, Malaysia and all over the USA with the biggest names in the speaking business. It was almost magical how Kyle took my business from giving speeches in the back room of an IHOP restaurant to audiences as large as 8,000 in what seemed like overnight. I can honestly say that Kyle Wilson was not a major factor in turning my business around. Kyle Wilson was THE factor. I can’t strongly recommend his wisdom, knowledge, business mind or who he is as a person enough."
Ron White
Best-Selling Author of
Black Belt Memory,
2009 & 2010 US Memory Champion
"Kyle Wilson is not only one of my most valued friends and mentors, he is a marketing genius and brilliant business man, always providing the most honest and insightful solutions to any challenge. I am honored to have him as my book partner and life-long counterpart."
Jeanette Ortega,
Jeanette Ortega
Best-Selling Author of
The Little Black Book of Fitness
& Celebrity Fitness Trainer
"Kyle, you ROCKED the EOFIRE show. You are a great storyteller and shared great lessons. Truly impressed…and thank you for what you do/have done for this Entrepreneurial world."
John Lee Dumas
Host of EOFire Podcast with
over 100 million Downloads
"Anytime I'm in a conversation with Kyle Wilson, I always take my notepad out and start taking down notes cause there's so much to learn. Kyle it's a real honor for me to know you."
Bob Burg
Speaker and Best-Selling Author
of the Go Giver
“Kyle Wilson literally built an empire over 18 years working with one of the true legends in the entire speaking space, Mr. Jim Rohn. Somebody I look up too, somebody who was a hero of mine that I wanted to be like because of the way he had great integrity. Kyle has that same integrity, he truly cares about making you look good. He cares about you having quality materials and I will Guarantee you will be so grateful you partnered up and got into one of Kyle's books. Kyle cares truly from the heart about your success. And about representing you in the way you want to be represented. With your great content, and your great information and with who you are as a business, as a brand, as a person. So do yourself a favor, work with my friend Kyle.”
James Malinchak
Featured on ABC’s Hit TV show
Secret Millionaire &
Founder of Big Money Speaker
"Kyle Wilson’s insight, marketing acumen and business knowledge are guru level. His consulting, friendship and brilliant solutions have changed the trajectory of my career and life. His strategies don’t just elevate, they transform you and your brand.
Olenka Cullinan
Speaker, Passionista, Founder of
Rising Tycoons &
#iStartFirst Bossbabe Bootcamps
"From the moment I met Kyle realized that he was a unique individual. In life their is 'talent' and then behind that 'talent' there is always the business savvy behind it. We say that when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear. Kyle Wilson IS that teacher and that consultant....are you ready? Kyle, I know our best work is yet to come. Thanks for the friendship and expertise."
Nick Bradley
PGA Tour Mentor,
Speaker, Author
"Is there anyone in the world who is better at grooming and managing a speaker than Kyle Wilson? Absolutely not! Kyle was the man behind Jim Rohn. Kyle, while managing my speaking career, took me to 60 speaking engagements a year while increasing my fee, and helped me publish numerous books that sold nearly a million copies, produce two best-selling audio programs, taught me how to sell product from the back of a room (with a number of $50,000 days and one $110,000 day) and got me my own television show and a co-host with Zig Ziglar on his television show, True Performance. There is not a single person alive who not only knows but has mastered the speaking business from beginning to end like Kyle Wilson. Take my highest recommendation and multiply it by ten and you have what I think about Kyle. What? You haven’t picked up the phone yet to get on board with him? Get going!!"
Chris Widener
Best-Selling Author The Angel Inside
"Kyle Wilson has been a life changing mentor, friend and business partner. He not only has extreme marketing knowledge, is talented and gifted at speaking, coaching and leading, but he also has a unique focus, drive and charisma that magnetizes others and helps them to succeed and become more motivated. I would recommend anyone wanting to propel to higher levels to work with Kyle"
Kim Somers Egelsee
# 1 best selling author
and Tedx speaker
"Kyle Wilson's Inner Circle is nothing short of Life Changing! It offers insights and valuable outcomes for entrepreneurs, champions, and business leaders. IC is high-trust, honest, and encouraging, an integrity-filled environment that generates awareness, understanding, and wisdom from the team for you. IC provides one a board of trusted advisors... the ""GPS to help you get to the next level."
Tim Cole
(Business) Managing Director,
(Military) Colonel, USMC (Ret)
"After only working with Kyle for a few months, I felt my professional world opening up in new and inspired ways. Kyle’s marketing brilliance and business wisdom combine to make him a one in a million in this coaching world. I found that I literally would just listen to whatever he says and that is not common for a strong-willed woman like me, but his guidance is pure gold and his goodness shines through it all. I am so very grateful to him for his coaching.”
Dr. Stormy Hill, OTR/L
Entrepreneur, Author, Educator, Mom
"Kyle you have greatly influenced my life and career. You and Jim made a perfect team with a legacy that will continue to change lives more than any otherthought leaders with timeless wisdom."
Denis Waitley
Author Psychology of Winning