Todd Stottlemyre – Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and 3x World Series Champion

Part 1 - Todd Stottlemyre - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and 3x World Series Champion

Part 2 - Todd Stottlemyre - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and 3x World Series Champion

I recently interviewed good friend, entrepreneur, speaker, author and former 15 Year MLB player and 3x World Series Winner, Todd Stottlemyre.

In this interview we cover:

– Todd’s 15 Year MLB career and Winning 3 World Series

– How Todd and Kyle Met and First Worked Together

– Todd Growing Up in Baseball Royalty Through His Dad, Mel Stottlemyre, for the Yankees.

– Todd Beating the Odds

– Getting Called Down and His Dad’s Advice

– The Decision That Forever Changed His Life

– Emotional Story of Todd Losing His Little Brother to Leukemia

– Todd’s Greatest Loss and Victory

– How Harvey Dorfman Saved Todd’s Career and Life

– Todd Overcoming His Demons and Finding Healing

– Allowing Our Kids to Have Freedom and Find Their Authentic Selves

– Todd’s Next Career After Baseball

– Why Todd Loves Being Part of Team – Teams Win

– The 911 Call About His Dad

– Todd’s Dad, Mel Stottlemyre’s Inspiration In His Life

– Todd Deciding to Share His Story in His book Relentless Success

And much more.

So many high level golden nuggets were covered. So much that I had to break into 2 parts and still many topics I’m not able to get in 2 episodes. If you want all 2 hours shot me an email to and I will share how to access not just the entire 2 hours, but also the entire interview on video, plus recent interviews with Darren Hardy, John Assaraf, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and over 50 hours of other awesome content. Send an email to to get details.

Make sure you connect with Todd at

He has some great gifts for you!

What Others are Saying About Kyle

“Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Love and Respect!” Jim Rohn, Iconic Philosopher & Speaker

“I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine

“I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy, Int Speaker & Author

“Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.” Robin Sharma, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

“I’ve known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and someone I have great admiration and respect for!” Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp

“Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. What I mean by that is, there are lots of guys who will put out business plans and do all kinds of nonsense and swing for home runs. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable.” Eric Worre, Author of Go Pro

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Once Subscribed send an email to to receive some COOL SPECIAL GIFTS including Ron White’s complete guide to remembering names and faces and over 500 common name short cuts, plus 21 Smoothe Mixx Music Tracks from Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Les Brown and Denis Waitley (produced by Roy Smoothe).

Check out previous episodes with:

 Darren Hardy, Former Publisher of Success Magazine

 Denis Waitley, Iconic Speaker and Author

 John Assaraf, New York Times Best Selling Author

 Lisa Haisha – Host of Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha

– Newy Scruggs, 7x Emmy Winning Sportscaster

– Robert Helms, Co-Host of The Real Estate Guys podcast

– Ron White, 2x US memory champion

– Kyle Wilson, 7 Marketing Strategies to Build Your Brand and Business

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