When people ask me what was the greatest shift for me in going from a small town, no college or mentors to eventually spending 18 years with Jim Rohn and being the Founder of multiple personal development companies including Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore, DenisWaitley.com, LessonsFromNetwork.com…. there are two CLEAR and resounding reasons:
Associations and Applied Knowledge! These two things are particularly relevant as we enter into 2018!
When it comes to associations, Jim Rohn always taught to ask yourself these three key questions.
1) “Who am I around?” You’ve need to evaluate everybody who is able to influence you in any way.
2) “What are these associations doing to me?” That’s a major question to ask. What have they got me doing, listening to, reading, thinking and feeling? You’ve got to make a serious study of how others are influencing you, both negatively and positively.
3) “Is that okay?” Maybe everyone you associate with has been a positive, energizing influence. Then again, maybe there are some bad apples in the bunch. All I’m suggesting here is that you take a close and objective look.
Personally I took Jim’s advice and became very aggressive at getting around people I could learn and grow from. In my book, 52 Lessons I Learned From Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted, every story is based on something I learned from a mentor or higher level of association (Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Robin Sharma, Darren Hardy, John Maxwell, Jeffrey Gitomer and more).
In addition to associations you need applied knowledge! This is where you must learn and implement the skills and strategies of what other successful people do!
For me I had to learn to create a brand, build and market to a list, fill up my own events, book speakers, do media campaigns, create products, do strategic marketing, create systems, manage a team and much more.
Yes, it takes time but while I was learning and implementing new things, I watched so many people stay stagnant and not make the needed shifts or changes.
So while getting around the right people is a start, learning and applying what they do is even more important.
Plus Im starting year 4 of my Inner Circle Mastermind that meets multiple times around the country. Its has produced such awesome results for all its attendees!
For details on Inner Circle Mastermind reply to this email, tell me where you are located and what you do and I will send you details, dates, cost etc.
Wishing you a Blessed Holiday Season and Your Best Year Ever in 2018!
Kyle Wilson
Founder Jim Rohn Int. (JimRohn.com),
Want one on one coaching? Whether you are an entrepreneur, speaker, author, investor I can help. Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy and many others think so as well (see below). Send me an email for details and to discuss.
Connect with Kyle via social media, plus free bonuses including 52 Lessons I Learned From Jim Rohn and Other Legends I Promoted Click Here
“Kyle, thank you for our partnership and friendship. Friendship is wealth and you make me a rich man. Love and Respect!” Jim Rohn, Iconic Philosopher & Speaker
“I guard my endorsements carefully. Regarding Kyle, he is simply a marketing genius! No joke. Kyle was the wizard behind the successful business of my mentor Jim Rohn. Every marketing dilemma I have ever had Kyle has given me the brilliant and elegant solution on the spot. Kyle’s consulting has saved and earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.” Darren Hardy, Former Publisher SUCCESS Magazine
“I have worked closely with Kyle Wilson for 20 years. He is one of the best all-around marketers, promoters, business-builders and entrepreneurs in the business today. We have generated more than a million dollars together.” Brian Tracy, Int Speaker & Author
“Kyle is a valued friend, a marketing superstar and one of the most knowledgeable people in the personal development industry.” Robin Sharma, Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
“I’ve known and worked with Kyle Wilson for over 20 years. Kyle is the ONLY person that ALWAYS under-promised and over-delivered every single time my dad Zig and I worked with him. He is a valued friend and some one I have great admiration and respect for!” Tom Ziglar, President of Zig Ziglar Corp
“Kyle is one of my old and dear friends and one of the smartest marketing guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He is the scrappy marketing guy. What I mean by that is, there are lots of guys who will put out business plans and do all kinds of nonsense and swing for home runs. Kyle is the real deal and finds ways to create product, add value, help people, build community, he’s unbelievable.” Eric Worre, Author of Go Pro