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This restorative guided meditation is for restoration, decompressing, and reconnecting to your creative force by immersing you in living, cleansing, and nourishing waters. Use this mediation when you’re looking to decompress, destress, unwind, cleanse your energy, release trapped energy, restore. Use the meditative time to open yourself up to creative divine energy, messages and answers, as you ‘enter the waters’. This practice invokes deep nourishment, clarity, inner-peace, and renewal. This meditation set to the ambient track “They Feel, They Know” by Shivarasa.
Do not practice this meditation while driving or operating machinery.
Discover more of Lalah’s work and explore her teachings at
1. Born to Win by Zig Ziglar
2. STRONGER, Creating a Victory Mindset and Taking Action During the Toughest Times
21-Day Yoga & Meditation Challenge
Free Ticket to the Upcoming Money Forum Live Event
From Misery 2 Marital Bliss
Principles that Transformed and Strengthened a Woman of Faith’s Relationship with Her Husband and the Story of How They Got There
Music MP3s including Kyle Wilson, Roy Smoothe, Todd Stottlemyre, Lisa Haisha, Denis Waitley, Tom Ziglar, Bob Burg, Sophia Stavron, Ray Higdon, Ethel Rucker, and Robert Helms
All Amazon Profits from book launch support
Christian Development Center is a non-profit organization in the city of Montclair, CA run by Ethel Rucker and her husband Pastor Donald Rucker.
Their ministry over the last 15 years has provided food, clothing, and personal hygiene products to people experiencing homelessness or in need in their community, They also offer wrap-around services including marriage enrichment, parenting classes, financial literacy, and COVID-19 testing. They are currently working with the city of Montclair to establish a homeless shelter. In the near future, they hope to expand the ministry to include a safe haven home for women, children, and families suffering from domestic violence..
Christian Development Center