Special Invitation
Kyle WIlson Inner Circle
What is the Inner Circle? The objectives of this exclusive group are to Inspire, Support, Coach, Expand Thinking & Associations, Connect, and Network so that we can each grow and achieve our most-treasured goals. A group like this is hard to find: where every person is dedicated, authentic, gifted, positive, committed and successful.
As the founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore.com, LessonsFromNetwork.com and KyleWilson.com, Kyle brings his 25-plus years of experience, knowledge and relationships. He has worked closely and collaborated at a HIGH LEVEL with Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy, Denis Waitley, Les Brown, Robin Sharma, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Jeffrey Gitomer, Eric Worre, Vic Johnson, Ron White, Phil Collen, Morgan Mason, John Maxwell, and many more. [NOTE: we are not talking about photo-ops or name-dropping—but strategic partnerships.] Over the years Kyle has had an unparalleled track record of filling large rooms, creating hundreds of products, selling millions of books, building a million-plus email list and working with so many greats
“Every time I spend time with Kyle Wilson at his Inner Circle masterminds, I walk away with a question answered, mindset shift or idea to implement right away. Kyle, plus the amazing group of community members, has helped me immensely not only grow my business but recharge my mental and emotional battery every time we are together. Great investment of time and money. ”
— Ron White 2-Time US Memory Champion

– Ron White, Best-Selling Author of Black Belt Memory, 2009 & 2010 US Memory Champion
Ron White
2X US Memory Champion
Speaker, Author

– Lisa Haisha, Host Amazon Show, Producer, Philanthropist
Lisa Haisha
Host Amazon Show Producer, Philanthropist

– Newy Scruggs
Newy Scruggs
7x Emmy-Winning NBC Sportscaster

– Robert Helms, Host of the Real Estate Guys Radio Show
Robert Helms
#1 Real Estate Podcast, Developer

– Seth Mosley, 3x Grammy Winner, Producer, and Songwriter
Seth Mosley
3x Grammy Winner, Producer, and Songwriter

– Tom Burns, Surgeon, Investor and Speaker
Tom Burns
Doctor, Entrepreneur Investor, Speaker

– Mike Muhney, Co-Founder ACT Software
Mike Muhney
Co-Founder ACT Software

– Kelli Calabrese, Wellness Mompreneur, #1 Best Selling Author Mom & Dadpreneur
Kelli Calabrese
Co-Creator of
Mom & Dadpreneurs

– Marco Santarelli, Investor, Wealth Creator, #1 Podcast Host
Marco Santarelli
Investor, Wealth Creator,
#1 Podcast Host

– Jeanette Ortega, Creator of Bootoga, Health & Fitness Expert
Jeanette Ortega
Creator of Bootoga,
Health & Fitness Expert

– Tim Cole, (Business) Managing Director, (Military) Colonel, USMC (Ret)
Tim Cole
31 Year Colonel
US Marine Corps

– Dr. Amy Novotny , Founder – PABR Institute
Dr. Amy Novotny
Founder - PABR Institute
We have amazing members that fly in from all over the country including amazing speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, investors, small business owners and more.
But our real secret sauce is that the people that attend have a great philosophy and are givers. (I tend to attract Jim Rohn fans – my 18-year business partner, mentor, and friend).
The Inner Circle Mastermind Gatherings are held over 18 days a year, spread around the country in Southern California, Dallas, Texas and Philadelphia (plus additional Bonus Locations). You are given unlimited access to attend any dates and cities. Many people are only able to make three or four a year, but the access to the entire group, the information, the ideas and strategies, and to Kyle himself, make it an amazing value, whether you can make four, eight, or 16 dates.
Plus, look for special surprise guests along the way:
- Like when Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul (books sales of over a half million!) did a full day mastermind with us in Los Angeles—and then again the next year in Dallas, at Kyle’s home.
- Phil Collen, the lead guitar player for Def Leppard (Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame band), did a full day mastermind in Dallas, also at Kyle’s home. Phil is a world-class expert in music, fitness, and personal development. Phil also has allowed our IC peeps to go backstage now four times when Def Leppard is in Dallas and Los Angeles.
- Special guests Morgan Mason, Adam Taggart, and more have come and spent the day with us.
Also we have a monthly Guest Group Call that has included guest such as Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeffrey Gitomer, Tom Ziglar and more. (And yes: you can access the previous calls covering topics including Mastering Your Brand, List Building, Social Media, Building Your Speaking & Coaching Business, Leveraging a Book, Building a Platform and much more!). The Masterminds tend to have a marketing slant; they have filled huge event rooms.
This is Kyle’s World:
He’s built a million-person email list, built and sold two businesses (Jim Rohn, International and Your Success Store), created and distributed over 100 unique intellectual properties and worked with many of the legends of Personal Development. Kyle’ strengths are online marketing, list building, joint ventures/affiliates, product creation including writing and marketing a book (has published and sold millions of books), networking and connecting (his contact list is large—and responsive), event promotion, branding, content creation and management, social media and most important: STRATEGIC PLANNING AND POSITIONING.
What People Are Saying:
We’ve seen people have massive growth and results since joining the Inner Circle Masterminds! Testimonials have been over the top. The knowledge, associations, and growth you receive will be worth 10 to 100 times more than the investment.
“Since joining Kyle Wilson’s Inner Circle Mastermind, the ideas and creativity have been off the charts. Kyle truly collects the best people and orchestrates an amazing day! I have to tell you it has so exceeded my expectations and let me tell you, having known Kyle since 2006 and watching what he did with Jim Rohn and so many others, my expectations were high. I have the dates checked off in my calendar. Missing an Inner Circle is not an option!” – Newy Scruggs, 7x Emmy Winner, NBC Sports
Phil (Collen) and I have toured and done so many ‘meet and greets’ and have had all kinds of cool activities and opportunities on the road with Def Leppard, but last year at your Inner Circle Mastermind ranks at the top as one of the all time best experiences we have ever had on the road. Everyone shows up and we all do our thing, but at your house the people and the love was so amazing. Debbie and I both cried and were just blown away, as was Phil. We are used to doing all the giving, but that day we felt loved and cared for. It was just an amazing experience! We still talk about it to this day. It is at the top of our tour memories from over all these years!” – Helen Collen, Artist, Photographer, Designer (Phil Collen, Lead Guitarist for Def Leppard)
- 18 Days Live in the coming year of High-End Masterminding, Networking and Transformation ($18,000 value).
- 12 Special Monthly Guest Group Calls with Q&A – Plus access previous calls with Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeffrey Gitomer, Tom Ziglar and more ($3,000 value).
- Weekly Group Marketing Calls with Q&A (Monthly) – Includes Mastering Your Brand, List Building, Social Media, Building Your Speaking & Coaching Business, Leveraging a Book, Building a Platform and much more ($3000 value)
- Bonus Dates
- Private Facebook Page
- *Special Inner Circle Access—For Example: Brian Tracy 3 Day Event that Kyle put on, Inner Circle Members received special pricing, seating and access to two Private Receptions with Speakers including Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy, Ron White and more.
- Bonus 1 – Access to the complete Kyle Wilson membership site including courses on Online Marketing, Selling, Time Management, Leadership, Confidence, Marketing and more $1997 value
- Bonus 2 – Access to the entire 2016 Brian Tracy 3 Day Event footage (including Brian, Darren Hardy, Vic Johnson, Delatorro McNeal, Ron White, and more). This is private footage from Kyle’s event he promoted and not for sale or available anywhere else. $997 value
Total Value: over $27,000
Yes! I want to join this select group of High Achievers, and Join Kyle’s One-Year Inner Circle Strategic Business Mastermind Group (Includes Access to Bonus Programs and Private Facebook Group with all Inner Circle Members)
Special Inner Circle Pricing:
12 Months is Only &7,497 or $749 a month
Option 1 Sign-up
(application wavied)
One Payment $4997 – Click Here to Join
Monthly Payment of $497 – Click Here to Join
Sign-up Today to Get Access to all Above including access to the recent Kyle Wilson Virtual Event with Les Brown, Todd Stottlemyre, Lisa Haisha, Tim Cole, Glenn Morshower, Kyle Wilson and all the Inner Circle Members.
Discount pricing expires 6-30-20
- Access to the Recent Kyle Wilson 2-Day Virtual Live Event with Les Brown, Todd Stottlemyre, Lisa Haisha, Tim Cole, Glenn Morshower, Kyle Wilson and all the Inner Circle Members ($997 Value)
- Access to all upcoming Virtual Mastermind Meetings and Recordings ($8k Value)
- 12 Special Monthly Guest Group Calls with Q&A – Plus access previous calls with Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeffrey Gitomer, Tom Ziglar and more ($3,000 value).
- Weekly Group Marketing Calls with Q&A (Monthly) – Includes Mastering Your Brand, List Building, Social Media, Building Your Speaking & Coaching Business, Leveraging a Book, Building a Platform and much more ($3000 value)
- Private Facebook Page
You also can access all our weekly calls that include recent conversations with:
- Glenn Morshower, Actor in over 250 movies and shows (24, Transformers and more), speaker, entrepreneur
- Seth Mosley, 3x Grammy Winner, 29 #1 songs & Producer of the Year
- Newy Scruggs (7x Emmy Winning Sportscaster
- Thomas Black, MD (oversees 14 Baylor Scott & White Hospitals)
- Tim Cole (31-year Colonel in the Marines, Ran Presidential inauguration and worked with FEMA after he retired from the military)
- Jeanette Ortega (celebrity fitness trainer)
- Mauricio Rauld (syndication attorney)
- Dana Samuelson (gold and silver expert)
- Mike Muhney (ACT Software co-founder)
- Tom Burns, MD (orthopedic surgeon, doctor on multiple Olympic teams, and investor with over 400 million in assets)
- Gary Pinkerton (30+ year Commander and Captain in US Navy who worked with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff)
- Kyle Wilson and his perspective on how what we’re going through now compares to adversity in the past 100 years, how Jim Rohn handled challenges and world events, and recent conversations with Denis Waitley & Darren Hardy, Plus insights from so many more Inner Circle members!
- Bonus 1 – Access to the complete Kyle Wilson membership site including over 50 hours of content and courses on Online Marketing, Selling, Time Management, Leadership, Confidence, Marketing and more $1997 value
- Bonus 2 – Access to the entire 2016 Brian Tracy 3 Day Event footage (including Brian, Darren Hardy, Vic Johnson, Delatorro McNeal, Ron White, and more). This is private footage from Kyle’s event he promoted and not for sale or available anywhere else. $997 value
Option 2 Total Value: over $18,000
Yes! I want to be a part of this select group of High Achievers, and Join Kyle’s One-Year Inner Circle Strategic Business Mastermind Group Option 2 (Includes Access to Bonus Programs and Private Facebook Group with all Inner Circle Members)
Option 2 Sign-up
One Payment $997 – Click Here to Join
Monthly Payment of $99.97 – Click Here to Join
Sign-up Today to Get Access to all Above including access to the recent Kyle Wilson Virtual Event with Les Brown, Todd Stottlemyre, Lisa Haisha, Tim Cole, Glenn Morshower, Kyle Wilson and all the Inner Circle Members.
Discount pricing expires 6-30-20
Option 1 - Inner Circle Mastermind Application
(Inner Circle Referral Waived)

Renowned Speaker and Author


Best-Selling Author,
CEO of Brian Tracy

NBC Sports Dallas/Ft Worth

Pro and International Best-Selling
Author of Go Pro

Trainer and Author of Passionistas

15 Year MLB Pitcher
and 3x World Champion

Sold His Ferrari

Best-Selling Book Series
Chicken Soup for the Soul

#1 Best-Selling Author
Mom & Dadpreneur

Billboard #1 Producer and
Song Writer of the Year

Black Belt Memory,
2009 & 2010 US Memory Champion
Jeanette Ortega,

The Little Black Book of Fitness
& Celebrity Fitness Trainer

over 100 million Downloads

of the Go Giver

Secret Millionaire &
Founder of Big Money Speaker

Rising Tycoons &
#iStartFirst Bossbabe Bootcamps

Speaker, Author

and Tedx speaker

(Military) Colonel, USMC (Ret)