Five Steps to Faith Transference of Your Message
Recently I was asked what is the best way to communicate your message/product/service to the marketplace so people believe you?
I’ve found over the past 20 years whether you are starting a new venture, launching a new product or service going into a new market to do an event and today more than ever launching your social media presence, it really gets down to 5 key pieces:
1) You have to believe in you and your message/product!
Simply stated, if you don’t believe in you or your product/offer, no one else will (nor should they). Now many times we believe we have a great message/product/service but we are reluctant and uncomfortable to shout out to the marketplace how great it is. I totally get that. But it’s like Zig Ziglar would say “shy sales people have skinny kids”. In other words, you are your own chief marketing officer and it’s imperative you confidently share your message with the marketplace. That’s what you do when you advertise and the same applies to free advertising with social media. Now there are strategic ways to get your message out there and I firmly believe in attracting versus pursuing, but either way your belief and confidence is the most important piece in whether people follow and/or buy from you.
People only start believing you when you believe yourself and are unapologetic (happy in your skin) with what you are sharing.
2) You have to get started (then PDR)
I know this is a recurring theme, but it is the number one issue I see with those who still haven’t jumped into whatever the next thing is for them (a new venture, social media, a new book, a new coaching biz, etc).
To get started, most of the time you’ve just got to jump in the deep end and start swimming. If you wait for the timing or the message or your team to be perfect, you may never get started.
Here is a key phrase that applies to all success in life: You can’t get better until you get started!
Sometimes good enough has to be good enough UNTIL you get started and then refine. You’re not going to be a world class piano player when you first learn to play. How you learn is by doing. That’s where PDR (Plan, Do, Review) comes in. Get a plan, start DOING, then after time review. Most people fall short on the doing part. Not you, ok?!
3) You have to be consistent!
Nothing succeeds without consistency. Far too many people start and stop, start and stop. The marketplace wants you to prove to it that you are for real, that you’ve got staying power. You believe in what you are saying/offering and then next they need to see consistency. This applies to your social media, newsletter, marketing initiatives etc. With this in mind be realistic. If you can only post on Facebook 3x a week, that’s fine, just be consistent and then grow from there.
4) Let momentum kick in through systems, knowledge and social proof/testimonials
Once you have done 1-3, 4 will happen. You and your team will become faster and better. Plus you will start to accumulate followers, buyers and testimonials (equaling social proof).
This is the point when everything gets easier and results start to improve (with less effort). Momentum is your most important friend in any endeavor. Once you get to stage 4 the key is build upon that momentum and no matter what, keep what my good friend and publisher of SUCCESS Magazine calls the BIG MO, going at all cost.
5) Validation kicks in!
Once you start getting your message out with confidence, have a great story, consistently deliver it and get others on board, validation will start to roll in! This is where exponential growth happens. People want to follow and buy what other people are following and buying. Especially in this social media world where viral marketing can spread like wild fire. Assuming you have done 1-4, and have a great message and product (and not a jerk, offending people) validation is inevitable! Meaning more people will stop resisting and will start getting on board.
6) BONUS – Give great customer service
Part of getting to this point and even more important in maintaining is great customer service. Making a sale is just the beginning of any relationship. I always said at JRI and YSS that we were competing against companies like Amazon (in certain aspects of our business). The reality was we couldn’t compete with them from a technology standpoint (they spent a billion dollars on that). But we could compete by answering the phone, solving problems quickly and serving our customer with great products, pricing AND great CS.
We all know the cost (time and money) to get a new customer, the key is then keeping that same customer and turning them into an advocate!
Simply identify what areas you need to take the next step. Is it social media, is it advertising, is it a blog or newsletter, is it launching a training piece in your business? Apply the 5 steps (and bonus) above, be patient and I promise results will follow!
To Your Success!
Kyle Wilson
P.S. Kyle has two spots available for direct one-on-one business consulting starting the week of September 3rd. If interested send an email to with coaching in the subject and a little about yourself. We will follow-up with details.
Receive a free chapter each week from Kyle’s book, 52 Lessons I Learned from Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted! Get the book!
Kyle Wilson has promoted hundreds of events and collaborated with industry greats including Jim Rohn, Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Les Brown, Harvey McKay and so many others. Kyle long time friend and partner of Jim Rohn, founded Jim Rohn International in 1993 and in 1999 (selling both companies in 2007). Kyle launched and published eight personal development publications reaching over a million subscribers a week and has produced/published well over 100 hours of personal development DVD and CD programs including the content of best-sellers from Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones, Denis Waitley, Ron White, Chris Widener and many more. Kyle is the author of 52 Lessons I Learned From Jim Rohn and Other Legends I Promoted! and is the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul.